Thomas Demand
• Is a German sculptor and photographer. He is known for making photographs of three dimensional models that look like real images of rooms and other spaces. Once he has photographed his re-created environments he destroys his models, why do you think he does this?
‘The Dailies’ exhibition in particular
• Project 25 for Kaldor public art projects was ‘The Dailies’ exhibited at the commercial travelers association centre, Sydney, Australia, 23 March – 22 April 2012
• This was a piece of installation art.
• For this exhibition Demand took over a floor of the building which comprises 16 bedrooms arranged in a circle around a central corridor. In each bedroom he hung one of his series of photographs which he calls ‘The Dailies’ over the bed. This is a series of work he has created over a number of years. He takes photographs, little snapshots of daily life with whatever camera he has to hand. Demand has compared these photographs to haiku, as they are like a beginning, the seed of a narrative/story.
What is ‘installation art’?
• Installation art is a type of art where the artist tries to create an entire environment for the ‘viewer’ to experience. This type of art incorporates a broad range of everyday and natural materials, which are often chosen for their “evocative” qualities, as well as new media such as video, sound, performance, virtual reality and the internet.
Developmental education – Capturing the everyday in Africa for example, representations of African village live in the media.
· What would someone see if they decided to capture everyday scenes, like Thomas Demand does, in Africa?
· What do we think of when we think about Africa?
· What is interesting about these images?
· How are they different from the everyday settings we see here in Ireland?
· Do you think these are typical of what you think of Africa, is there anything unexpected in the images?
African villages & houses
- Taking images of everyday buildings in Ireland,
- Make a paper model based on one of these images
- Photograph the paper model
African house interior
- Using one of the images of a typical African environment,
- Make a paper model based on this image
- Photograph the paper model